
    I know u have to leave someday, but I still can't control myself... I felt down inside, but I tried not to let you feel it. I didn't cry after watching ur taking off. I chated to Neo in order forget my bad emotions. I don't wanna leave you, can you feel it ?...


    在师大参天的绿树下玩cards. 你问我是不是真的不要参加,我微笑着说是,然后坐在离你不远也不近的地方,安静的坐着.你们很开心地玩,笑得很灿烂...我想我这样做是对的,因为我不知道要过多久,我才能再像现在这样安静地看着你.你和原来一样,一点都没有变,乖乖的样子,像一个巨大的Teddy Bear. 我想我和你的距离,也就像这样,不远,也不近...


    U said u'll come back in the future. We embraced each other, but I felt nothing except sadness. I thought that I hate this. We hold each other when we met at first, but holding again when we'll be separated... Yeah, that's how people share their emotions... I have to adapt it...