
Go Bid Red!
下完课坐上80路. 在车子转弯的时候没有站稳. 身后的一双标准badger红色的手轻轻的扶住了我. 我没有回头, 可是自己低着头微笑了起来.
as soon as i make the decision to hug myself, the whole world begins to hug me.

坐下来以后, 无意识的望向窗外, 有一个奶奶, 灰白混着一丝金色的半长卷发, 在扑面的风中, 分成两块, 飘摇起来, 有种似曾相识的感觉. 须臾之后猛然想起, 那就像风中飘摇的一大朵一大朵的芦苇.
i just wanna remember, everything you bring me, which could let me smile.

从早上起床开始, 看到窗外不时有白色细小的东西在飘. 下雪了, 抑或是蒲公英, 还是芦苇花? 可总是那么细小松散. 就好像是我的幻觉.
finally i clear my mind, it's fortune if i got it, and it's fate if i lost it.

02.20 Friday cloud blogging
看着路上排成一排迈着整齐的步伐穿着蓝色牛仔裤的腿, 我忽然想到儿童音乐剧这五个字. 虽然我也没有看过儿童音乐剧.
:: NoName Blogzine 无名博志H Z(@wDK PBu7~i still choose to believe, cause it is happier to believe.

我开始期待着可以趴在bascom hill草坡上看一个下午的书的日子.
in fact, what i'm chasing is only a serene heart.

我又在回家的路上, 看到了observatory的尽头, madison黄昏的天空中, 那一丝丝粉红色的云, 有着棉花糖的质感.
but, when i could hear you call me marshmallow dotingly again.

Andrew Haydon Park sun setting on the pond
我在房间, 关掉灯和电脑坐在窗台上, 可以听到窗外澎湃的湖水在风中涌动, 还有树枝刷刷的声音.
i just wanna cuddle with you in the darkness, forever and ever.