
A. Expressions
1. to stand still
2. to move ahead
3.to fall behind
4.to be slaves to sb./sth.
5.to have a rather acute sense of
6.under pressure
7.to seek attention
8.  to race through
9.  the pace of life
10. to get back to
11. within the time allowed
12. to take sth. personally
13. beyond a certain  appropriate point
14. to go with
15. in such relaxed surroundings
16. to develop a sense of
17. to work hard at the task of doing sth.
18. to produce a flow of
19. to have little or no relation to
20.to give added weight
21.the passage of time
22.to take sth. as a sign of
23.to pour attention into
B. Patterns for you     to use as models
1.   Typical patterns for   emphasizing sth.
2.   Typical patterns for choosing one way over the other
3.   Typical patterns for showing sb.’s feelings about sth.

1.  停滞不前
to stand still 
In the race of human life, you will never win any place if you are always satisfied with what you are and stand still.

2.  前进,向前
to move ahead
As long as you keep on moving ahead and strive to bring forth new ideas, you will reach the top of the winner’s platform.

3.  落后,落伍
to fall behind
The leader’s opinion had fell behind.

4. 受······支配
to be slaves to… 
A man of strong will feels in control of his own life while a man of weak will feels himself to be a slave to his fate.

5.   深深感到······
to have a rather acute sense of 
Having gone through many years of hardship in the same boat, the old couple have a rather acute sense of the true value of love in their life.

6.  处于压力之下
under pressure
Under proper pressure, people are highly motivated; but, under excessive pressure, people feel frustrated and even end up in failure.

7.   寻求注意力,引起注意
to seek attention 
The unique publicity and promotion eventually helped the company seek more than enough attention from the public at the trade fair.

8. 匆匆忙忙地做
to race through
As the time is running out, these students have to race through the rest of the questions on the test paper.

9. 生活的节奏
the pace of life
As long as we make unceasing efforts to learn new things and move ahead, we will keep up with the pace of the times.

10. 恢复,返回
 to get back to 
The move to return grain for green has got this area back to its former beauty.

11.  在允许的时间内
within the time allowed
Any act that goes beyond the limits legally allowed is bound to receive the punishment from the law.

12.  认为某事是针对某人的
to take sth. personally
When the boss makes general and negative comments, don’t take it personally.

13. 不得当地,不得体地
beyond a certain appropriate point
Love adds health to the growth of children, but the love beyond a certain appropriate point will make them spoiled or even ruined.

14.  伴随,配合
to go with 
Happiness doesn’t always go with money. More often than not, it goes hand in hand with a positive outlook on life.

15.  在如此轻松的环境里
in such relaxed surroundings
In such a cozy environment, these homeless children really enjoyed the warmth of family life.

16. 增进信任······
to develop a sense of trust
Nurtured in the military college life, I have developed my sense of responsibility and my awareness of national defense.

17.  千方百计地做·······
to work hard at the task of doing sth.
At the critical moment, these Communists worked hard at the task of helping the victims out of the trouble.

18. 制定/做出一系列的
to produce / make a steady flow of 
At this conference, the central government made a steady flow of significant decisions concerning the national economy and people’s livelihood.

19.  与······关系不大或没有关系
to have little or no relation to
Romantic life has not so much relation to one’s financial condition as to one’s personality.

20.  更加重视······
to give added weight to sth.
With the global environment worsening, many countries are giving increasing weight to the protection of nature.

21. 时间的流逝或消失
the passage of time
The mark his hometown left upon his mind does not fade away with the passage of time.

22.  把 ······ 看作一种标志
to take sth. as a sign of 
Some teenagers take smoking as a sign of being mature and manly, but actually smoking is a potential killer.

23. 向······ 投入资金、精力和注意力
to pour capital, energy and attention into…
She poured all her love and energy into the education of these mountainous children.

1. Typical patterns for emphasizing sth.:
原句: Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such a relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner,… (L. 27)
一般来说,美国人是不会在如此轻松的环境里通过长时间的闲聊来评估他们的客人,更不用说带他们出去吃饭, ······
句型提炼   Sb. does not do sth.; much less does sb. do sth. else.某人不会做/没有做某事, 更不用说做其他的事。
应用:a. 这个孩子常常对别人的关心置若罔闻,更不用说批评和意见了。
The child often turns a deaf ear to the people’s care; much less do they criticize and advise.
应用:b. 这里的人们从来都没有把这个英俊的小伙子与任何错误的行迹联系在一起,更不会相信他就是凶手。
People in this area never associate the handsome young man with any wrong deed; much less do they believe he is the very  murderer.

2. Typical patterns for choosing one way over the other:
原句: we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer — especially given our traffic-filled streets. (L. 33)
我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流, 而不是通过直接接触。 虽然面对面接触令人愉快,但却要化更多的时间, 尤其是在马路上交通拥挤时。
句型提炼  Sb. does sth. through / by / with… rather than through / by / with…, which, though…,… — especially given…某人通过······做某事,而不是通过······ 虽然后者······, 但却······,尤其是······时。
应用:a. 永恒友谊的秘诀是:真心实意而不是虚情假意地相待。虽然后者有时奏效,但决不可能长久,尤其是人们的诚信意识增强时。
The secret to a permanent friendship is to treat each other with heart and soul rather than through a false display of affection, which, though effective from time to time, stands no chance to last — especially given people’s growing awareness of honesty.
应用:b. 中国人民与其他民族增进关系的原则是和平共处而不是强权政治。虽然后者如今很盛行,但必将会以失败而告终,尤其是在全世界都渴望种族平等时。
The Chinese people enrich their relationship with other peoples on the principle of peaceful co-existence rather than on the basis of power politics, which, though very popular at present, is bound to fall through in time — especially given the whole world’s strong desire for racial equality.

3. Typical patterns for revealing contrasts:
原句: To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, requiring face-to-face conversation. (L. 37)
就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。在有些国家里,没有当面接触就做不成大生意, 需要面对面的交谈。
句型提炼 To sb., sth. has little / no relation to sth. else; whereas / while, to sb. else, nothing can be done without sth. else.就某人而言,某事与另一事很少/完全没有关系; 然而对于另一人,没有另一事什么事都做不成。
应用:a. 对于美国人而言,缺乏面对面的接触和生意的成败无关; 但对中国人而言,没有经常性的边吃边面谈什么生意都做不成。
To the American people, lack of personal contact has no relation to the success or failure in their business; whereas, to the Chinese people, no business can be conducted without frequent face-to-face chats over meals.
应用:b. 在清官看来,工作没个人油水与其尽职尽责没多大关系;而在贪官看来,没有丰厚的个人利益回报任何工作都做不成。
To the honest official, no personal returns from his work have little relation to his total commitment to his duty; while, to the corrupt official, no piece of work can be done without fat gains in personal interests.

3. Typical patterns for showing sb.’s feelings about sth.:
原句: Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect. (L. 49)
句型提炼1. Unless…, it seems in one’s eyes (to one’s mind) as if…如果不是······,则某人就觉得好像是······
应用:a. 按照当今的惯例,如果我们的客人当中没有人在饭桌上喝醉,就好像我们对他们不够热情。
By the custom of the times, unless some of our guests get drunk at table, it seems to our minds as if we are not warm-hearted enough towards them.
应用:b. 对某些学生而言,要不是必须通过英语考试,他们就觉得英语没有用,不值得再去努力。
As far as some students are concerned, unless they are forced to pass English tests, it seems in their eyes as if English is useless, not worthy of their further efforts.

原句: Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time. (L. 50)
句型提炼2.  Sth. is felt ( assumed ) to be given added / more weight / care / concern.人们认为(觉得)某事更应受到重视 / 关注。(往往不正确)
应用:a. 人们通常认为,与道德发展相比,孩子的学业更应受到家长的重视。
Compared with their moral development, children’s academic achievements are generally felt to be given more weight by the parents.
应用:b. 诚然,环境保护决不应忽视,但经济发展常常被认为更应关注。
No doubt, environmental protection should never be ignored, but economic development is often assumed to be given added concern.